Monday, March 15, 2010


Hola Kelsey! Greetings from Barcelona, Spain. Thank you for your encouraging e-mails. You are such a blessing in my life sister. So these past few days, I have gotten a small taste of your life. Wow, I understand why you have such a love and compassion for Europe. It breaks my heart talking with people who don't have a clue about Jesus.
God has been so good thus far in the trip. I am overwhelmed with how many people have such soft hearts towards the gospel. In the past three days, my group of six people have probably gotten to go through the gospel with over one hundred people. I am just amazed at Gods grace. It blows me away to talk with these people. I have yet to talk to one person who believes in JEsus, or has a clue about grace and what it means to have a relationship with him. How unbelievable is that? Most people are athetists, most people have never even thought about what happens when they die, and these people have never had a real conversation about Jesus, or even know of a church that is preaching the gospel. Its amazing to see people say they dont people in God, yet they are willing to talk with us for hours as we struggle through spanish and our communication in general to explain to them the good news, news they have never heard of.
I just want to thank you. Europe is often over looked by most christians. Our church has been coming here for the past seven years, the gospel has gone out thousands of times, and we have never ran into one bible believing, born again christian. This city is so dark, so corrupt, so wicked. Thank you for your obedience to this mission. We need to tell them! Christians have to open their mouths. HOw are they going to hear unless we go? Unless we preach to them? The vision for our church is to one day plant a church here. We are waiting for a christian to get saved and have a passion for their city who would want to get involved. Gosh, this place needs it so bad.
Here is a quote that Leigha sent me before the trip:

"A tiny group of believers who have the gospel keep mumbling it over and over to themselves. Meanwhile, millions who have never heard it once fall into the flames of eternal hell without ever hearing the salvation story."
- K.P. Yohannan

Keep preaching the gospel! Keep being bold for Christ! People need is so much! Love you sister! You amaze me.


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