Hahaha, get it... brief?!
As you can tell, its been a long day of work. :)
As I'm getting ready to leave the office and realizing that the neighbors internet hasn't been working lately (yes, we steal and I'm unashamed) and yesterday was my day to post, it hits me that I need to get in gear!
Update on life.
1. Work is going awesome. I am officially a 1 job employee as of last Friday. It doesn't feel much different but I'm pumped to no longer have to use the glove box.
2. I had a great 4th of July with Sarah B. and KPax. My favorite part was almost shooting Kpax and B. with a bottle rocket. I don't think they were nearly as amused as I was.
3. Nathan and I are planning a camping trip for the first week of August with our friends Eric and Michelle. We're going to the black hills and various places within them.
4. I went to 3 wedding events this past weekend. A high school friend, Goph's and one of Nathan's high school friends. Lets just say I'm weddinged out and that 3 dresses in 3 days is a stretch for me. (Although I had a blast at Goph's wedding and we once again made B. dance to Apple Bottom Jeans. It was so great. I also ate entirely too many skittles and gummy bears from the candy bar.)
5. While in the Des Moines area I stopped at your old house. I briefly pondered how such a tall person could use the short shower in the basement. I then cuddled and talked with Dayna and Jenna (separately) and pondered how fortunate you were to live with 2 incredible friends like them.
6. I'm trying some new recipes. I will make them for you sometime but for now they are secret. (Mainly because I'm not sure if they will be good or not.
7. Katie Dewitt was at Goph's wedding. I forgot how inappropriate we can be while in the same vicinity.
8. I have not stopped missing, praying and being thankful for you and your cause.
9. I'm super excited for September and being able to hug you at the lake party.
That is it... or at least all I can come up with on the fly.
Love from the cube with high walls,
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